AML Policy

Anti-Money Laundering Policy for


Introduction: (referred to as “the platform”) is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and compliance with anti-money laundering (AML) regulations. This Anti-Money Laundering Policy outlines the measures and procedures implemented by to prevent money laundering, terrorist financing, and other illicit activities on our platform.

    1. Know Your Customer (KYC):
    KYC (Know Your Customer) is an important process for verifying the identity and information of users on a platform like Here’s an example of a KYC process for
    1. User Registration: When a user creates an account on, they will be required to provide basic information such as their full name, email address, contact number, and username.
    2. Identity Verification: To verify the user’s identity, will request a valid government-issued identification document, such as a passport, driver’s license, or national ID card. The user will be asked to upload a clear and legible scan or photo of the document.
    3. Profile Verification: Users will be asked to complete their profile by providing additional details such as their professional skills, work experience, education, and portfolio. This information helps establish their credibility and expertise on the platform.
    4. Payment Verification: To ensure secure transactions, will require users to link a verified payment method, such as a bank account or PayPal, to their account. This helps prevent fraudulent activities and ensures that users can receive payments for their services.
    5. Review and Approval: Once all the required information and documents are submitted, will review the user’s profile and documentation. The platform’s team will assess the accuracy and authenticity of the provided information.
    6. Communication and Support: Throughout the KYC process, will maintain open communication with the user, providing guidance and assistance if any additional information or clarification is required.
    By implementing a thorough KYC process, can enhance the security and trustworthiness of its freelance marketplace, protecting both freelancers and employers from potential fraud or misconduct.
      1. Sanctions, PEP, and Adverse Media Checks:

    2.1. Sanctions Screening:
    a. The platform will implement a robust system to screen users against national and international sanctions lists.
    b. Users found to be listed on sanctions lists will be subject to appropriate actions, including account suspension or termination.

    2.2. Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) Screening:
    The platform will conduct enhanced due diligence on users identified as politically exposed persons.
    b. PEP screening will be performed to assess the potential risk associated with such users.

    2.3. Adverse Media Checks:
    a. The platform will monitor and conduct periodic checks on users to identify any adverse media reports associated with their activities.
    b. Adverse media checks will help identify potential reputational risks and suspicious activities.

        1. AML Transaction Monitoring Systems and Checks:

      3.1. Transaction Monitoring:
      a. The platform will implement an AML transaction monitoring system to detect and report suspicious transactions.
      b. The system will employ algorithms and risk-based parameters to identify unusual or potentially illicit activities.
      c. The platform will conduct ongoing monitoring of user transactions to detect any suspicious patterns or red flags.

      3.2. Reporting Suspicious Transactions:
      If a user’s transactions are flagged as suspicious, the platform will initiate an internal investigation and, if necessary, file a suspicious activity report (SAR) with the appropriate regulatory authorities.
      b. The platform will maintain records of all SARs and cooperate fully with law enforcement agencies and regulatory bodies.

          1. Travel Rule Regulatory Reporting:

        4.1. Compliance with Travel Rule:
        a. The platform will comply with the Travel Rule requirements, which mandate the sharing of customer information between financial institutions during certain transactions.
        b. The platform will establish secure channels for the transmission of required customer information to comply with the Travel Rule.

        4.2. User Communication and Disclosure:
        a. Users will be informed of the platform’s compliance with the Travel Rule and the necessary disclosure of customer information.
        b. Users will be required to provide accurate and complete beneficiary and originator information as per the Travel Rule.

            1. Training and Education:

          5.1. AML Training:
          a. The platform will provide regular AML training to employees to ensure their understanding of AML policies, procedures, and relevant regulations.
          b. Training will cover detection and reporting of suspicious activities, handling of customer due diligence, and compliance with regulatory requirements.

              1. Compliance Monitoring and Reporting:

            6.1. Internal Compliance:
            a. The platform will establish internal controls and procedures to monitor compliance with AML regulations.
            b. Regular internal reviews and audits will be conducted to assess the effectiveness of AML measures and identify areas for improvement.

            6.2. Reporting and Cooperation:
            a. The platform will promptly report any suspicious activities or potential violations of AML regulations to the appropriate regulatory authorities.
            b. The platform will cooperate fully with law enforcement agencies, regulatory bodies, and financial intelligence units as required.


   is committed to maintaining a secure and compliant freelance marketplace. This Anti-Money Laundering Policy establishes the framework for preventing money laundering, terrorist financing, and other illicit activities on our platform. Regular updates and enhancements will be made to ensure the effectiveness of our AML measures and to comply with evolving regulatory requirements.